The Benefits of Pre-Event Sports Massage Therapy

If you’re taking part in a sports event, you’ll probably be training hard and eating well to make sure that your body is as well prepared as possible. But what about pre-event massage? Did you know that there are many benefits to preparing your muscles – and mind with massage therapy?

What Is Pre-Event Sports Massage?

A massage is considered ‘pre-event’ if it happens anytime from two days to immediately before the event and is a great way to get yourself into the perfect frame of mind to take on the race or event. It’s common for athletes to have a massage session right before a big event, and an immediately pre-event massage will most likely be short and to the point, unlike your usual massage sessions.

Usually a pre-event massage will last 10-15 minutes and be treated as part of a warm up. The massage should be carried out before the rest of your warm up as it’s relaxing for your muscles and might undo all the good work of the warm up if you have it afterwards! A massage just before an event won’t need oils or lubricants as these can be uncomfortable when you’re taking part in an event.

Why Would You Have a Pre-Event Sports Massage?

The most important benefit of a pre-event sports massage is that it can help boost the blood supply to your muscles. This is obviously a good thing – you want your muscles to perform at their best during an event. Pre-event massage techniques often involve compression and friction to warm up muscles and get the blood flowing to where you need it for your top performance.

Having a pre-event massage may also be a great supplement to your normal warm up session as it helps accomplish the same goals as a warm up. Pre-event massage is especially useful for stretching out the muscles and soft tissues in preparation for the event.

Massage also helps joint mobility – a definite bonus for any sporting performance. More flexible joints give athletes an advantage, especially if the events needs you to be supple and agile. If speed is the main requirement, massage that promotes joint mobility might be best avoided immediately prior to an event as it can slow you down. Massage would still benefit speedy athletes in the weeks leading up to an event though.

There’s no doubt that massage can improve your state of mind in the lead up to a big event. It can help you if you suffer with re-event nerves and help you to get focused on performing well in your chosen sport.

So, if you want to make the next race, game or event your best ever, consider adding a few pre-event massage appointments to your training calendar!