Five Tips for a Great Night's Sleep

Five Tips for a Great Night's Sleep

Did you know that an estimated 40 million people have sleep disorders? The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention says that almost 30 percent of U.S. adults get 6 hours of sleep or less every night. And even if you’re diligent about getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep per night that’s necessary for most adults, it may not be high quality sleep; the kind that really allows your body to recover and restore itself. So, if you find that you’re not getting enough sleep, or not sleeping well when you do, here’s 5 tips that can help you make a change and start getting the sleep you so desperately need.

CBD for Chronic Pain

CBD for Chronic Pain

CBD has been a hot topic lately. With claims that CBD can help with everything from anxiety to seizures it seems to be a natural alternative for many ailments. Many are turning to CBD for to help manage their chronic pain and to replace over the counter medicines and addictive prescription opioids. While there are still skeptics, CBD may very well be at least one answer to the opioid crisis many are facing. Here’s how...

Massage is for Everyone!

Massage is for Everyone!

There’s no denying we’re in a difficult time. Not only are we dealing with a silent, invisible enemy, but we’re also seeing division among people on an extreme scale. My goal is to educate the public on the inclusivity of massage and bodywork; everybody can benefit from massage, and every person is welcome on my massage table...always.

How Muscle Imbalances Can Lead to Pain and Injury

How Muscle Imbalances Can Lead to Pain and Injury

A muscle imbalance is simply when one muscle or muscle group is stronger than another. For example, your right arm may be stronger than your left, or your biceps are stronger than your triceps. It’s typically not much of a problem; we’re rather asymmetrical beings in general anyway, but muscle imbalances in some areas can play a role in creating problems within the body leading to injuries and pain.

Mother's Day and the Looking for Normalcy

Mother's Day and the Looking for Normalcy

During stressful times it can be tempting to occupy yourself with endless distractions, killing time until the day is over, and then waking the next morning to another stretch of time that may be harder to fill. If you’re at home these days, putting activities on a to-do list, especially self-care, will help you develop a sense of normalcy, giving your day the structure you were used to having. Experts say a to-do list helps you control your time, as well as keep distractions at bay.

Here are some recommendations for your daily to-do list…

Bouncing Back for Inactivity

Bouncing Back for Inactivity

Getting the pep back in your step after a long stint of inactivity takes more than a good attitude and step counter. In fact, going at it gung-ho can cause injuries and set you back a few steps before you’ve even begun.

Whether you’ve recovered from an injury and been given the all-clear to get moving, or you finally admitted to spending far too much time on your couch than on your feet, getting active after being inactive needs some planning and patience.

Effects of Positive & Negative Self Talk

Effects of Positive & Negative Self Talk

Most people have an internal monologue, a voice inside that says all sorts of things we wouldn’t utter outside of the safety of our brains. And this self-talk, as it’s often referred to as, can actually play a profound role in our overall wellbeing. So, let’s look at the effects of positive and negative self-talk and what you can do to make sure all those internal thoughts aren’t wreaking havoc to our mental, emotional, and physical health.

Coffee: Friend or Foe

Coffee: Friend or Foe

With the exception of an odd few, there are two types of people when it comes to coffee; the people who don’t drink it, and the people who shouldn’t be approached until they have drunk it.

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages across the globe and its star ingredient is that delightful little stimulant, caffeine. Caffeine generally gives the body a little pep in its step with increased alertness and energy that consumers use to kickstart their days.

But one question plaguing the minds of the health-conscious is “is coffee good or bad for me?”

Let’s look at both sides of this coin.

Tips to Ease Neck Pain

Tips to Ease Neck Pain

Neck pain is common and there’s a variety of things that can cause it. You may have just slept wrong and tried to turn your head a certain way only to feel some pretty sharp pain; then you’re stuck walking around all day barely able to turn to the side. You may have been hunched over at your desk all day, or done some exercise that didn’t quite agree with you. Whatever the cause, it’s no fun. Of course, a massage session here will help, but there are some things you can do in the meantime to ease that pain.

Can a Morning Routine Improve Your Day?

Can a Morning Routine Improve Your Day?

Have you ever felt like you’re jumping out of bed, running through your day to get everything done, yet you never seem to be able to do it all, much less get ahead? Do you ever feel like you’re standing on uneasy ground and can never really get your footing? Most people wake up and take the day as it comes, but having a regular morning routine can get your day started moving in the right direction, making the rest of the day run, or at least seem to run, a bit easier.

Sciatica- What is it and How Massage Can Help

Sciatica- What is it and How Massage Can Help

The sciatic nerve branches from your lower back through your hips and buttocks and down each leg. Sciatica is a condition that occurs when this nerve, which happens to be the largest nerve in the body, is irritated or inflamed, causing pain, tingling, and/or numbness. These sensations are felt along part or all of the nerve path and most often starts in the low back or the buttock and travels down the outer leg, sometimes all the way down to the foot.

How Gratitude Affects Mind & Body

How Gratitude Affects Mind & Body

This time of year is a favorite for many. It’s a time where everyone is reflecting on the events of the year and how grateful they are for their health, life, family, and friends. With this year being universally one of the toughest for many with COVID-19 and everything that came along with it, you might find it hard to be all that grateful. But did you know that gratitude goes deeper than just a feeling? It truly affects how the mind and body function!

Eating in Season is Better for Your Body and Your Wallet

Eating in Season is Better for Your Body and Your Wallet

As the weather is getting warmer and the days are getting longer, we tend to focus more on the quality of our food. Whether you’re trying to lose a little weight or just make some healthier choices, you’ll often hear people say it’s more expensive to eat healthy. While that is sometimes the case, it doesn’t always have to be. It’s easy to get caught up in all the “try me” healthy recipes we come across, but eating healthy is as simple as shopping what’s in season. How? Let’s take a closer look.